Piskaryovskoye Memorial Cemetery

Today is Victory Day in Russia.

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Русская версия

Piskaryovskoye Memorial Cemetery is closely connected with The Great Patriotic War, with the siege of Leningrad.
Пискарёвское мемориальное кладбище // Piskaryovskoye Memorial Cemetery 1

The cemetery is located on the Avenue of the Unvanquished (проспект Непокорённых). There’s a monument nearby: “Glory to heroic defenders of Motherland!»
Слава героическим защитникам Родины! 2

From September 4, 1941 to January 22, 1944, 107,158 air bombs were dropped on the city, 148,478 shells were fired, 16,744 men died, 33,782 were wounded, and 641,803 died of starvation.

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